Nowadays, many wow gamers likes to purchase wow account, power leveling,
wow items or wow gold from online suppliers, but Blizzard along with
other players consider this an act of cheating. Each day, Blizzard is
cracking down on security with those things. They will even tracking
peoples IP address so that other people cant farm wow gold for you.
have the ability to enhance your character to a much higher level or
better quality items, weapons, armors and other equipment with real
money. But someone think its unfair for those players who does not have
the extra cash to spare or would prefer to play it the old fashion way.
this doesnt mean that buying wow gold online is illegal. The emphases
is that how the wow gold you bought be farmed . In other words, the wow
gold trade is legally if the gold produces legally in World of Warcraft.
So you should be serious about the site that you would like to purchase
wow gold. Those pure hand farming wow gold is approved to trade in
Blizzard states that wow account belong to them and no one
have the ability to sell wow account. They may own the right to your
character but you still paid for the game. Youre able to sell any of
your other games that you dont want to play anymore so why cant you sell
your wow account with the CD as well? SOE supports the idea of players
selling their wow gold by providing an auction house in which they
charge a small fee for players to auction their wow gold to another
player. If blizzard were to pick up on this they would make quite a lot
of extra cash (not that they really need it).
We know that
Blizzard will banning accounts of the gold sellers. Although many
accounts of those sellers have been banned, it doesnt seem to stop them.
As long as there is a desire from a large number of players who wishes
to buy wow gold, there will always be a wow gold seller who is willing
to provide. Why not let the players decide what they want?
has threaten many wow gold sellers to stop selling with lawsuits but
never have one site been shut down yet. I have spoken with several
sellers that theyve received a letter but nothing after. What good is a
threat without the action to back up your words. At this point I believe
Blizzard may be giving in to what players want and have let the players
build the market.